-Gaston Bachelard
-Baruch Spinoza
-René Char
-Amadou Hampâté Bâ
-René Char
-Amadou Hampâté Bâ
-Edgar Morin
-Amadou Hampâté Bâ
-Nassim Nicholas Taleb
-Nelson Mandela
-Thomas Sankara
-Charles Mingus
-Gaston Bachelard
According to recent data, more than 5 million people in the world have no efficient access to justice. States’ ineffective justice systems, fragile rule of law, and persistent conflicts in their territories constitute significant factors in this unbalance. As one of the main avenues to promote legal empowerment, citizen security, and end impunity, INANGA provides well-rounded expertise in aspects related to justice reform, transitional justice, fight against corruption, and human rights. It ensures that people’s (including those belonging to the most vulnerable groups) need for justice are met. Moreover, INANGA conducts perception studies focusing on populations’ justice needs (with a specific focus on disenfranchised people) as well as local justice mechanisms and alternative dispute resolution (ADR). INANGA has also been involved in projects to strengthen civil society organization’s capacity in their use of databases to efficiently monitor human rights violations and international crimes and has conducted research on alternative dispute resolution and strategies for prosecution of crimes under international law.
INANGA's team of consultants has previously been active in Central Africa and assisted the DRC Ministry of Justice in implementing justice sector reform. This ambitious project, in collaboration with the European Union Delegation, consisted of supporting the implementation of a judicial statistics system in the DRC, monitoring the implementation of the action plan for the justice sector, developing the skills of the staff and managers of the Ministry of Justice, coordinating support to the justice sector by international development partners and funding institutions, enhancing knowledge of good practices and management.
Within the broad umbrella of justice, one of INANGA’s specific areas of expertise lies in studying, analyzing and understanding how people resolve their interpersonal disputes outside of the Courts and Tribunals of the state justice system. Find out more about alternative dispute resolution and INANGA's work below
In cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme
In cooperation with the International Federation of ACATs and the World Coalition against the Death Penalty (WCADP)
In cooperation with the EU Delegation to the DRC
You may also access the various publications written by INANGA's team of experts within this sector