-Gaston Bachelard
-Baruch Spinoza
-René Char
-Amadou Hampâté Bâ
-René Char
-Amadou Hampâté Bâ
-Edgar Morin
-Amadou Hampâté Bâ
-Nassim Nicholas Taleb
-Nelson Mandela
-Thomas Sankara
-Charles Mingus
-Gaston Bachelard
Client | Assignment | Country | Timing | Service Providers | Type of Assignment |
Harvard Humanitarian Initiative (Univ. of Harvard) | Large scale population survey on peace, security and justice perception in three provinces: Kinshasa, Tanganyika, Kasaï Central | DRC | June to Oct. 2021 | Janvier Digital Koko, Julien Moriceau, 40 surveyors | Research & Studies |
Enabel | Facilitation of a strategic planning workshop on Enable's security portfolio in Burkina Faso | June to Oct. 2021 | INANGA: Ladislas de Coster | Strategic Analysis | |
Search for Common Ground | Study on media listenership and viewership for the Tuyage project: Information Access and Economic Discourse Strengthening (8000 people surveyed). | Burundi | May to Sept. 2021 | INANGA: Aurore Vermylen, Pascal Kambu, Adonis Tuyisenge, Franck Petit, Julien Moriceau, 12 surveyors | Research & Studies |
Search for Common Ground | Baseline study for a project aiming at increase mutual understanding and collaboration between the youth and police forces. | Burundi | Nov. to Dec. 2020 | Julien Moriceau, Jean Benoit Falisse | Evaluation, Capitalization & Audit |
DCAF, Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance | Study/mapping of the civil society active in the field of security sector and human rights monitoring in Liptako Gourma region. | Burkina-Faso, Niger, Mali | March to July 2021 | Julien Moriceau, Ladislas de Coster, Abdoulaye Igodoe, Agnes Kabore, Bassirou Gaye | Research & Studies |
Enabel | Final evaluation of the internal security support project in Burkina Faso implemented by the government and Enabel. | Burkina-Faso | Feb. to June 2019 | Ladislas de Coster, Agnes Kabore, Pierre Vincke | Evaluation, Capitalization & Audit |
Enabel | Facilitation of strategic planification workshop on Enabel's security portfolio in Burkina Faso | Burkina-Faso | June to Oct. 2021 | Ladislas de Coster | Strategic analysis |
Enabel | Mobilisation of an international expert in the framework of the formulation of the project "United for Peace and Security" | DRC | March to May 2022 | Gaëllane Bourges | Project Development |
DCAF, Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance | State of affairs of the justice and security sectors, their governance and international engagement in these sectors | Niger | August to December 2022 | Manoëlle Koninckx | Research & Studies |
Enabel | Service contract for governance expertise in the fields of security and development | Multi | August 2022 - present | Ladislas de Coster, Gaëllane Bourges, Guillaume Lacaille, Georges Kuzma, Julien Moriceau, Maxime Sicard, Abdoulaye Igodoe, Bassirou Gaye | Technical Assistance |
Client | Assignment | Country | Date | Service Providers | Type of Assignment |
International Federation of ACAT (Action by Christian Against Torture) – FIACAT | Final evaluation of an advocacy program against death for death penalty abolition in Africa | 22 countries in Sub Saharan Africa | Sept. to Nov. 2021 | INANGA: Gilles Durdu, Julien Moriceau | Evaluation, Capitalization & Audit |
AFD – Agence Française de Développement | Feasibility study and project development for a institutional support project focusing on climate and environmental justice | Laos | June to Dec. 2021 | Julien Moriceau, Baptiste Gerbier, Manoëlle Koninckx, Ladislas De Coster | Technical Assistance |
American Bar Association – Rule of Law Initiative (ABA ROLI) | Study & needs assessment on access to justice, in perspective of the development of ABA ROLI Programs in Niger. | Niger | June to August 2021 | INANGA: Liliane Umubyeyi, Abdoulaye Igodoe, Julien Moriceau | Research & Studies |
ASF - Avocats Sans Frontières | Development of an access to justice and human rights program in DRC | DRC | June to July 2021 | INANGA: Gilles Durdu | Program Development |
ASF - Avocats Sans Frontières | Study on land conflict and alternative dispute resolution in DRC | DRC | May to July 2021 | Gilles Durdu, Julien Moriceau | Research & Studies |
United Nations Development Programme - UNDP | Empirical research on alternative dispute resolution & legal pluralism in two provinces of DRC: Tanganyika & Kasaï (1400 people surveyed). | DRC | April to Oct. 2021 | Gilles Durdu, Alexis Bouvy, Marcel Wetsh’Okonda Koso, Janvier Koko Kirusha, Julien Moriceau, Ladislas De Coster | Research & Studies |
ISSAT | Evaluation of the UNDP/MINUSCA Rule of Law Joint Programme (2015-2019) | CAR | Nov. 2020 to May 2021 | Ladislas de Coster | Evaluation, Capitalization & Audit |
ISSAT | Evaluation of the UNDP justice portfolio in the DRC (2015-2020) | DRC | Nov. 2020 to March 2021 | Julien Moriceau | Evaluation, Capitalization & Audit |
AFD – Agence Française de Développement | Evaluation of a national legal aid project set up by Ivorian civil society organizations | Ivory Coast | July 2020 to April 2021 | Gilles Durdu, Julien Moriceau, Ladislas de Coster | Evaluation, Capitalization & Audit |
ASF - Avocats Sans Frontières | Study on the remedies available to victims to ensure the transparency of natural resource management processes and respect for the rights of populations. | DRC | March 2020 to Oct. 2021 | Ladislas de Coster, Marcel Wetsh’Okonda | Research & Studies |
United Nations Development Programme - UNDP | Evaluation of strategies for the prosecution of crimes under international law in Eastern DRC | DRC | March to Nov. 2020 | Ladislas de Coster | Evaluation, Capitalization & Audit |
United Nations Development Programme | Development of the joint program (MONUSCO, UNDP) to strengthen the rule of law in the DRC | DRC | March to Nov. 2020 | Ladislas de Coster | Project Development |
Avocats Sans Frontières | Strengthening the capacity of civil society organizations to use a database and monitor human rights violations and international crimes | Uganda | 2020 to 2021 | Ladislas de Coster, Godefroid Birigimana | Technical Assistance |
RCN Justice et Démocratie | Support to the anti-corruption project in Katanga | DRC | Sept. 2019 to April 2021 | Gaëlle Vandeputte | Technical Assistance |
United Nations Development Programme | Evaluation of the transitional justice system | Ivory Coast | Sept. 2019 to Feb. 2020 | Ladislas de Coster | Research & Studies |
United Nations Development Programme | Empirical research on alternative dispute resolution & legal pluralism in two provinces of DRC: Kongo Central & Kasaï Central (1400 people surveyed). | DRC | May to Nov. 2019 | Julien Moriceau, Ladislas De Coster, Marcel Wetsh’Okonda Koso, Janvier Koko Kirusha | Research & Studies |
European Union Delegation in DRC | Technical assistance mission to the Thematic Group of the Ministry of Justice for the implementation of justice sector reform in the DRC. | DRC | Feb. 2019 to Dec. 2021 (387 working days) | Ladislas de Coster, Marcel Wetsh’Okon da Koso, Frédéric Chetcuti | Technical Assistance |
CDA | Report on corruption in the criminal justice system. | CAR | Sept. 2017 | Ladislas de Coster, Cheyanne Scharbatke-Church, Kiely Barnard-Webster | Research & Studies |
ASF - Avocats Sans Frontières | Final Evaluation of the Programme: Contributing to Sustainable Development Goals through Strengthening Access to Justice in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo) | DRC | January to April 2022 | Marcel Wetch’Okonda, Ladislas de Coster | Evaluation, Capitalization & Audit |
ASF - Avocats Sans Frontières | Research project to improve access to justice and the protection of human rights | CAR | February to April 2022 | Gilles Durdu & Julien Moriceau | Research & Studies |
AFD – Agence Française de Développement | Feasibility study for the formulation of the third component of a support program for the justice and human rights sector in the Ivory Coast | Ivory Coast | July 2022 to January 2023 | Julien Moriceau, Ladislas de Coster | Research & Studies |
RCN Justice & Démocratie | Socio-anthropological, legal and participative study on alternative dispute resolution in Equateur | DRC | January to May 2023 | Janvier Koko, Trevor Krayer, Anne-Claire Courtois & Julien Morcieau | Research & Studies |
Avocats sans Frontières | Study on community justice in Ituri | DRC | February to June 2023 | Janvier Koko, Trevor Krayer, Anne-Claire Courtois & Julien Morcieau | Research & Studies |
European Union | Training on justice and rule of law | Europe | November 2022 to July 2023 | Julien Moriceau | Training & Capacity Building |
University of Edinburgh, Trust Fund for Victims | Impact evaluation of the reparations programs in DRC and Mali | Multiple | April 2022 to present | Julien Morcieau, Manoëlle Koninckx, Trevor Krayer | Evaluation, Capitalization & Audit |
DRI - Democracy Reporting International | Support for democratic governance and the rule of law in Tunisia through the "JEDI: Justice - Rule of Law - Human Rights - Institutions" project. | Tunisia | December 2022 to February 2023 | Cynthia Benoist | Technical Assistance |
Enabel | Study to support the development of a legal framework for the protection and assistance of victims and witnesses | Burkina Faso | November 2022 to February 2023 | Maxence Delchambre | Research & Studies |
Client | Assignment | Country | Timing | Service Providers | Type of Assignment |
European Union Delegation in Burundi | Development of a gender country profile and analysis of UE priority sectors. | Burundi | June to Sept. 2021 | Anne Claire Courtois, Pascal Kambu, Olivier Jayne, Julien Moriceau | Research & Studies |
International Organization for Migration, African Union | Development of training modules focusing on gender responsive policy development and implementation. | Africa | May to Dec. 2021 | Julien Moriceau, Aurore Vermylen, Clayton Boeyink, Karim Chetoui, Trevor Krayer | Training & Capacity Building |
ARES | Formulation of 5 academic development projects in the areas of law, health, agriculture and education. | Benin, Burkina Faso, DRC | April to Sept. 2021 | Julien Moriceau, Bernard Van den Abeel | Project Development |
AFRICALIA | Formulation of the five-year programme for the NGO Africalia on the promotion of productions and dissemination of African culture. | Zambia, Kenya, DRC, Burundi, Rwanda, Burkina Faso, Senegal | March to July 2021 | Ladislas de Coster,Gaëlle Vandeputte, Hilde Geens | Project Development |
Geomoun | Development of the five-year project for the NGO Geomoun on youth participation | Haiti, Benin, Belgium | March to July 2021 | Gaelle Vandeputte | Project Development |
Anti-Slavery International | Evidence-based learning on effective remedy for migrant workers in labour migration policies. | Mauritius | Nov. 2020 to March 2021 | Julien Moriceau, Namratha Ramanan | Research & Studies |
Search for Common Ground | Analysis of cultural barriers to women’s economic empowerment. | Burundi | Nov. 2020 to Jan. 2021 | Julien Moriceau, Namratha Ramanan, Pascal Kambu, Adonis Tuyisenge, Manoëlle Koninckx | Research & Studies |
ACMS (Action Center for Migration and Society, Wits University) | Evidence based research on migration governance in the context of Covid-19. | Mauritius, Seychelles, Comoros, Madagascar | Oct. and Nov. 2020 | Julien Moriceau, Aurore Vermylen, Namratha Ramanan, Romaine Konsega | Research & Studies |
KIYO | External final evaluation of a project aimed at providing technical trainings and supporting community initiatives for young people from urban and sub-urban areas. | Burundi | April to Sept. 2020 | Julien Moriceau, Adonis Tuyisenge, Pascal Kambu, Godefroid Bigirimana | Evaluation, Capitalization & Audit |
Viva Salud!, Solidagro, KIYO | Midterm & final evaluation for a rights-based program of 3 Belgian NGOs in the field of access to health rights, children rights, and rural development/agro ecology. | The Philippines, Senegal, Belgium, Brazil, DRC, Burundi, Burkina Faso, Morocco, Palestine | March to Dec. 2019, May to Dec. 2021 | INANGA : Julien Moriceau, Ladislas de Coster, Gaelle Vandeputte, Pierre Léon, Lara Deramaix, Trevor Krayer | Evaluation, Capitalization & Audit |
RCN Justice and Democracy | Final evaluation of the five-year programme DGD 2017-2021 | Burundi, Belgium, DRC, Rwanda, Morocco | January to May 2022 | Gilles Durdu, Gaëlle Vandeputte, Manoëlle Koninckx, Ladislas de Coster | Evaluation, Capitalization & Audit |
Bibliothèques Sans Frontières | Baseline evaluation of the "Ideas Box Initiative" and "Twige Neza" projects | Burundi | March to June 2022 | Adonis Tuyisenge, Olivier Jayne, Pascal Kambu, Julien Moriceau | Evaluation, Capitalization & Audit |
Enabel/COTA | Strengthening governance in the artisanal diamond and gold mining sectors | CAR | June to August 2022 | Gilles Durdu & Julien Moriceau | Research & Studies |
Fondation Abbé Pierre (FAP) | Steering the 2018-2022 strategy and setting up a monitoring and evaluation system. | Réunion (FR) | 2019 to June 2022 | Julien Moriceau | Training & Capacity Building |
Enabel | Framework agreement on gender expertise in 14 partner countries | Multiple | November 2021 to June 2023 | Anne Claire Courtois | Technical Assistance |
Enabel | Technical assistance project to support the development of legal clinics in Tunisia: "Legal empowerment of migrants". | Tunisia | April 2021 | Mohamed Limam, Amal Ben Saad, Mohamed Anoir Zayani, Ladislas de Coster, Josselin Léon | Technical Assistance |