DRC - Large scale population survey on peace, security and justice perception in the DRC

Large scale population survey on peace, security and justice perception in the DRC

INANGA & our consultants carried out a survey on the local population’s perception on peace, security and justice in three provinces of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): Kinshasa, Tanganyika, and Kasaï Central.

Our client in this project was the Harvard Humanitarian Initiative (HHI), Harvard University's research centre dedicated to relieving human suffering caused by wars and disasters. The HHI seeks to use interdisciplinary, practice-based research and education to be utilized by scholars, policymakers and NGOs to improve humanitarian strategies for relief, protection, and prevention.

To learn more about the HHI, you can visit their homepage here.

About this project 

This project took place from June - October 2021 throughout the provinces of Kinshasa, Tanganyika and Kasaï Central. More than 100 surveyors selected and recruited by Inanga worked on this survey, including 50 women. (36 In Kasaï Central, 42 in Tanganyika 24 in Kinshasa). 

There were almost 4000 surveys carried out throughout the three provinces in question. With 1350 of which were done in Kasaï Central, 1538 in Tanganyika and 1080 in Kinshasa. The collection of the relevant data was done directly on tablets using the Kobo Collect software. This data was sent to the HHI in real time for their quality control and monitoring. Our study mission had a budget of 124.773,00 USD


The team within this project consisted of:
  • Janvier Digital Koko Kirusha - Survey coordinator for this survey and member of Inanga. Koko has a political science background and a huge experience in carrying out qualitative and quantitative field research in security, peace, justice and economic development sectors.
  • Julien Moriceau - Backstopping consultant for this survey and INANGA co-managing partner. His areas of expertise include the rule of law, security sector reform, sustainable development, qualitative and quantitative field research. 
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