TUNISIA - Technical assistance project to support the development of legal clinics in Tunisia: “Legal Empowerment of Migrants”

Technical assistance project to support the development of legal clinics in Tunisia: “Legal Empowerment of Migrants”

Under the supervision of the project "Legal Empowerment of Migrants", INANGA strengthened the legal clinics of the Faculty of Political and Social Legal Sciences of Tunis (FSJPST), the clinic of the Faculty of Law and Political Sciences of Tunis (El Manar) (FDSPT).

Our client in this project was Enabel, the Belgian development agency. 

To learn more about Enabel you may visit their webpage here

About this project

This project took place between April 2021 and is ongoing. The project was developed in various phases and had various objectives such as determining the capacity building and equipment needs of the targeted legal clinics through exchanges. The needs identified were translated into an action plan supporting the legal clinics throughout the service. The needs identified allowed the strengthening of the work of the legal clinics in terms of reinforcing education on asylum and migration law, reinforcing research and reinforcing advice to migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. The budget of this study was around 200.000 EUR.


The team within this project consisted of:
  • Fatma Raach - Doctor in international and European law and consultant. Her areas of expertise include migration, justice reform, prevention of torture and strengthening of the rule of law and human rights protection during democratic transitions. 
  • Faten M'barki - Consultant in international public law. Her areas of expertise include human rights, the rights of the child, constitutional law and public liberties. 
  • Ladislas de Coster – Quality control and INANGA co-managing partner. His areas of expertise include security sector reform, transitional justice, human rights, institutional support. 
  • Josselin Léon - Quality Control and consultant. His areas of expertise include institutional strengthening, governance, human rights and the rule of law.  
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