KIYO/SOLIDAGRO/VIVASALUD_Mid-term evaluation "All together for the rights of all" Summary of cross-checked and external evaluations

Mid-term evaluation "All together for the rights of all" Summary of cross-checked and external evaluations

External Evaluation
Ladislas De Coster, Lara Deramaix, Julien Moriceau & Gaëlle Vandeputte
Completed for KIYO, Solidagro & Viva Salud!

The  mid-term evaluation of the joint program "All together for the rights of all" (implemented by KIYO, Solidagro and Viva Salud! over a period from 2017 to 2021) was both an external and cross evaluation process that took place from October 2018 to January 2020 and involved about 10 evaluators from KIYO, Solidagro, and Viva Salud! directly as well as four external evaluators. It followed multiple objectives: 

1. Question and analyse the coherence of the action carried out in the joint program and to report to the Directorate-general Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid (DGD). 
2. Develop, through a pedagogical and participatory process, the skills within the program members and their partners in monitoring, evaluation, and assessment of change. 
3. Strengthen linkages, integration of activities, and learning among the three joint program members with each other and with their partners in order to be more effective and impactful. The evaluation concludes that the Rights Based Approach (RBA) implementation of the joint program is consistent and highly relevant.

To read the full report, you may access it here.
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