"Nothing is self-evident. Nothing is given. Everything is built."
-Gaston Bachelard
"I have made a ceaseless effort not to ridicule, not to bewail, not to scorn human actions, but to understand them."
-Baruch Spinoza
"The essential is always threatened by the insignificant."
-René Char
"Listen carefully, we used to say in old Africa, everything speaks, everything is words, everything tries to communicate knowledge to us."
-Amadou Hampâté Bâ
"The real sometimes quenches hope's thirst. That is why, against all odds, hope survives."
-René Char
"We must always try to understand our fellow man. If we exist, we must admit that he too, exists."
-Amadou Hampâté Bâ
"The simplifying modes of knowledge mutilate more than they express the realities or the phenomena they give an account of."
-Edgar Morin
"If you think like me, you are my brother. If you don't think like me, you are my brother twice over because you open me up to a new world."
-Amadou Hampâté Bâ
"The problem with experts is that they do not know what they do not know."
-Nassim Nicholas Taleb
"Be ever vigilant, hold government accountable, struggle for peace and justice."
-Nelson Mandela
"The disease is not cured by saying the name of the medicine, but by taking the medicine."
-Thomas Sankara
"Making the simple complicated is commonplace; making the complicated simple, awesomely simple, that's creativity."
-Charles Mingus
"There is no simple, there is simplification. The simple is always simplified."
-Gaston Bachelard
"When you do something, know that you will have against you those who would like to do the same thing, those who would like to do the opposite, and the vast majority of those who would not do anything."
MYANMAR_Legal Aid Service Providers in Myanmar and the communities they serve
Legal Aid Service Providers in Myanmar and the communities they serve
Field Note
Bruno Langhendries & Julien Moriceau,
Completed for Avocats Sans Frontières, the United Nations Development Program, Australian Aid, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Finland, the Government of Sweden and UK Aid
In an effort to develop a Legal Referral System to link marginalized justice seekers with legal service providers in their communities, and to contribute to the knowledge base concerning access to justice issues facing communities and service providers, ASF (Avocats Sans Frontières) conducted a mapping of legal aid service providers (LASPs) in and around Mandalay, Myitkyina, Taunggyi and Yangon in March and December 2016. The Survey resulted in the identification of approximately 50 LASPs and the development of guidelines for a Legal Referral System in the Rule of Law Centres Initiative (ROLCs), to connect justice seekers to LASPs in the regions they operate. The findings highlight that LASP activities are growing in Myanmar since 2011. Survey found that LASPs generally fall into two main categories:
1. Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) and;
2. Law firms or sole practitioners, but they defy further categorization.
The LASPs surveyed have divergent organizational structures, mandates and approaches, and face different challenges in providing legal assistance to their communities. LASPs reported that the key obstacles to their work included corruption in the justice system and a lack of legal awareness by the general public, which compounded the impact of disputes and legal issues in a number of ways. Justice seekers identified a lack of legal awareness, distrust in justice institutions and an apprehension of lawyers as amongst the most pressing barriers to justice in Myanmar. Community members and LASPs alike reported an overwhelming preference for alternative dispute resolution (ADR) mechanisms where possible.