MAURITIUS - Evidence-based learning on effective remedy for migrant workers in labour migration policies in Mauritius

Evidence-based learning on effective remedy for migrant workers in labour migration policies in Mauritius

INANGA & our consultants carried out research to determine practical labour migration policies which could implement effective remedies for migrant workers in the island nation of Mauritius.

Our client in this project was Anti-Slavery International, an international NGO and advocacy group which is one of the oldest international human rights organisations in the world. Their mission is to end slavery in the globe, working with local organisations to secure the freedom for those affected by slavery, while pressing for the effective implementation of anti-slavery legislation. 

To learn more about Anti-Slavery International, you can visit their webpage here.

About this project

This study took place from November 2020 - March 2021. Our experts worked closely with Anti-Slavery International, labour migration actors and Mauritian trade union CTSP. INANGA's consultants developed the methodology, collected desk-based information, as well as conducting interviews with key stakeholder such as government officials, civil society organisations, business representatives and the migrant workers themselves. The budget for this study was 13.503 EUR. 

For more information on this project, you may find our final report here.


The team within this project consisted of:
  • Julien Moriceau - Team leader INANGA co-managing partner. His areas of expertise include the rule of law, security sector reform, sustainable development, qualitative and quantitative field research. 
  • Namratha Ramanan - Human rights expert and independent consultant and human rights expert. Her areas of expertise include the rights of the child, sustainability, medical science and forensics. 
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