CAR_Sectoral Justice Policy

Sectoral Justice Policy reform in the Central African Republic, 2020 - 2024

Policy and Strategic Document
Facilitated by: Julien Moriceau & Arsène Sende 
Completed for the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Central African Republic (CAR)

 Completed for the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights of the Central African Republic (CAR). The CAR carried out this document with the help of INANGA's experts as well as officials from the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, judicial actors, court officials and technical and financial partners. The Sectoral Justice Policy defines five priority areas which were agreed upon during the various workshops and working meetings organised both in Bangui and in Bouar. These priorities are as follows:  
1: Independence, accountability and moralisation of judicial personnel; 

2. Strengthening the supply of justice; 

3. Strengthening the demand for justice and access to justice for all; 

4. Strengthening the penal chain and the penitentiary system; 

5. Respect for human rights and implementation of transitional justice

To read the full policy, you may access it here.
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